Tuesday, June 22, 2010

french jeans By PSSY

French Collection

Here are great collections of clothes and accesories..................................
perfect for your travelling to French Riveria  or Palm beach,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, sexy and Glamour.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Soheila Mozzafar the driving force of fashion Couture  RueLaguna Couture Collection since 1995 in
Laguna Beach California, as a fashion boutique owner, Fashion Stylist, Fashion Consultant and buyer.
She had been on the address book of all celebrities that are looking for the unqiue piece that need to
wear for the red carpet or special event. Soheila Mozzafar with her unique sense of intuitive fashion gift,
travelling all of the world for her clients to find the especiall fashion pieces, made her well non Fashion
stylist in Europe and USA. She has  offices in Paris, Dubai, USA, and her interest in Design as well,
and Movie industry, , make her connection global with her own interest in acting and screen writing as well.
On July 2009 she has moved her boutique location in Laguna Beach, for her travelling, and time off for
finding new location and expanding her business, but this has not stopped her from her personal shopping
for her clients, on the street of Paris or Milan. Her intention is when she opens new boutique, wants to
have the same Hollywood inspiring Glamour red carpet for her collections.
She can be contacted  with her email address  soheila@ruelaguna.com
telephone number 9497424799